Wednesday, 4 January 2012

A1 rocKsss.... :D

I dedicate this blog to one of the coolest batch, I ever had during my entire academic life...A1 and especially to the creator of the 'A1 rocKsss...' phrase, Saavan(sA1, as he liked to address himself, :p).
The batch comprised of a bunch of souls that were interested in doing anything but what the teacher said. Some would choose a corner seat and start following their religion viz. gossip, some would stick their nose to the computer and go on exploring the the unending world of THE COMPUTERS (sometimes even without the Internet, lol) and some would just dedicate their full attention to each and every motion of everybody, interpreting them and then having fun from it.
We were always lagging in assignments and tutorials and practicals and most of us beleived in plagiarism, so we needed just a day or two to finish off all our assignments, which often was an abridged version of the others' work.
I consider myself really really lucky to have got such a batch during my engineering days, how else could I have got through the tedious and never ending labs..
A1 really rocked, no no no..

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